Liteboxer Fitness Bundle: Everything You Need To Know

  Mar 26, 2024
Reviewed by Vivek Upadhyay

Who doesn’t want to have a fit and healthy body? Obviously, everybody wants it and to obtain an attractive physique, humans engage in numerous types of activities, be they sensible or insane, indeed. 

You may be in search of a fitness device that can be easily used at your home. If you are still unaware, know that the Liteboxer fitness bundle is the equipment that is a one-stop solution for you. It’s an online boxing machine that will help you achieve your aim. Let’s explore Liteboxer’s features, price, and other alternatives in detail.

What is a Liteboxer Fitness Bundle?

Girl practising on Liteboxer Fitness Bundle

Liteboxer Fitness Bundle is an electronic gadget that helps make you physically fit. The device brings out the best results, and you will be glad to know that it doesn’t require long hours of workouts. You only need to spend 7-10mins every day on the tool and after a set amount of time, you will be able to see the results.

It is perfect to be used at home. Those who are running short of time find this tool very useful. In simple words, the Liteboxer Fitness Bundle is the best combination of rhythm technology and challenging training.

Unique Traits

In the Liteboxer Fitness Bundle’s package, you will find everything you require for a healthy lifestyle. People love using the system because it is quite entertaining besides being your fitness guide. You won’t get bored or tired, for the developers knew beforehand how to make the system interesting. Let’s have a look at its significant features one by one: 

System Structure

Liteboxer Fitness Bundle Structure

It’s important to know what’s included in the Liteboxer Fitness Bundle. It consists of the following:

  • Liteboxer Bundle
  • A monitor
  • A USB Charger
  • A Bluetooth Headset Speaker and Music

The online boxing system consists of a punching system that is connected to Bluetooth. It keeps records of your punches and helps you improve through every workout you do.

Besides, the punching bags where you bang forcefully keep you physically fit. They strengthen the muscles of your limbs which in turn makes you more active and thus more resistant to not only injuries but diseases as well. 

Gloves have attached sensors that sense every strike you hit. This feature helps you understand the current technique you are applying. You remain secure as the gloves you wear hold a solid protective layer. You may strike with your sturdy pushes without any boundation of any particular limits to see the outstanding results.

With some evaluation further or an analysis report, you will get to know whether the technique you are using is right or wrong.

A Variety of Workout Programs

Are you in search of some quality fitness programs at your gym? Have you received what you were aiming for? No, Alas!

Perhaps you have become exhausted while searching for it. Stand up again and be ready as the Liteboxer has come up with numerous programs useful for you. You don’t need to go anywhere and take any outer assistance.

  • You will find many useful online programs in a single place. There are different levels of exercises and workouts, and you can choose accordingly as per your current level.
  • The equipment is connected to a decent music system as well. Hence, turn your headphones on and start doing any exercise you think is appropriate for you. You will surely love it, for it doesn’t require any particular time to start with.You are free to choose anytime to practice boxing at your own place. 

DVDs Attached 

What if you’re stuck somewhere? You may need help at that time, but who will guide you? The machine can’t speak, and you can’t answer your queries yourself. Relax. The DVDs attached to the device will guide you from beginning to end. 

While purchasing the system, you can find such a set of DVDs. Their purpose is to guide you whenever you think you need a tutorial to watch. Such DVDs are of great help when no human guidance is available and all you have to manage is by yourself only. 

  • The tutorials available through DVDs may be regarding the use of the Liteboxer, different sets of workouts, how to do them, and much more. In case you think that the current DVD set doesn’t fulfil your needs, and you require some more, you can always buy some additional DVDs in future. 
  • Furthermore, many renowned boxers are connected with this system to guide all those who operate this on their own at home. Their online narrations or videos are of great help to the users. Since day one, you can feel your inner Canelo Alvarez.

Easy to Use

Liteboxers are extremely useful for all newbies who have never done boxing before. When the process is complicated at other places, the gadget has come to ease the procedure. 

  • The narrators here, through the online app connected to the equipment, explain very well regarding the type of exercises to do. 
  • There exist innovative exercises to help create a base for the amateurs. The experiment with the new type of physical exercises is done from time to time so that interest remains there within the users.
  • Additionally, the intermediate, who are at an advanced level are offered brilliant techniques to hone their existing boxing skills such as six signature punches, footwork, defensive moves, and many others. 

Full of Challenging Tasks

Person practicing with Liteboxer

As you keep on taking the challenges of different punch counts and the increasing level of exercises, you may witness an increase in the standard of tasks you have to perform. Analysis of your records can be seen in the progress reports.

The report generated by the system will stimulate you to work harder in order to improve further. Hence, Liteboxer helps you meet several new challenges during the phase of your fitness journey.

You can always take the advantage of some of the below-mentioned challenging classes. The renowned trainers will guide you in the best manner. The classes can be related to

  • Boxing
  • Cardio
  • Stretching
  • Yoga
  • Strength

Liteboxer Price

Liteboxer Price

There comes different pricing for Liteboxer Fitness Bundle in terms of additional features, quality, and much more. Let’s see how pricing differs:

Fixed Price with Monthly Membership

In this situation, where the price is fixed, the gadget remains permanent. The range remains between $1295 to $1594. You can also initiate the monthly membership which will provide you with additional training, music, and many other premium features.

Monthly Membership

The range remains between $29 to $39. In such a case, you are not the real owner of the gadget. You possess it till your subscription is active. As soon as you stop your membership, you have to return the equipment too.

Liteboxer Alternative

Liteboxer Fitness Bundle may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Many of you may lack a proper space or many may find it costly to buy. Similarly, there may be several other reasons and that’s why there is a need to go for Liteboxer Alternatives as well.

You may find numerous alternatives to Liteboxer Fitness Bundle which provide similar benefits as Liteboxer does. The quality may differ from product to product. Let’s have a look: 



This is the most basic form of boxing and needs barely some to no investment. You can perform it anywhere and anytime. It involves punching in the air, i.e., fighting with some imaginary opponent. Herein, the practitioner has to imagine any person in front of him/her and fight in the same spirit as in a real boxing setup.

Shadowboxing helps build a strong base for advanced learning in boxing further. It polishes your basic techniques and helps you to grow your level in the field. Your cardiovascular system stays healthy and your immunity grows as you practise shadowboxing regularly. 

Disadvantages of Shadowboxing

  • Since, you don’t have any real and physical target, this form of boxing may seem vague. You may face difficulties while increasing your strength and accuracy. 
  • You are punching in air only for hours. There is no way to measure your progress and very soon, you may experience boredom while doing the activity.

Heavy Bag

Heavy Bag

For the purpose of boxing, you may find plenty of heavy bags which come in different sizes with different types having individual uses. Wrecking balls, Maize bags, body opponent bags (BOB), and many more are examples of this type. 

From the exterior, it’s made up of fabric and from the interior, it’s filled with sand. The combination is perfect for striking the bag hard. It’s perfect for many types of martial arts including MMA, kickboxing, Muay Thai, and many others.

While practising with the bag, it feels like you are fighting with a real person which thus improves your timing, footwork and moves.

Disadvantages of Heavy Bag

  • It’s not that economical. If you are running short of expenses, then a heavy bag shouldn’t be your first priority.
  • Due to its giant size, it can take up a good space in your room.
  • Since, it’s all around you and the heavy bag, therefore, no trainer is available there for you
  • There are chances that you may start practising some bad movement patterns which can make you possibly learn an improper boxing form.

Water bag

Water Bag

The water bag, as the name says, is a bag filled with water. It has to be hung from the top of the roof. 

You are required to maintain its minimal maintenance only, which is a huge advantage. Besides, you can purchase from a variety of options and sizes. Since the bag is quite lighter, you will find it easy to punch, and thus there barely are any chances of injuries.

Disadvantages of Water bag 

  • There are high chances of leakage of water in your whole room where you have tied the bag, creating a huge mess at your place.
  • Sometimes, you can’t fix the bag at your place due to the non-availability of the desired space. Thus, space and structure have to be kept in mind while buying a water bag. 
  • Due to the non-availability of any mentor, there is no chance of any engagement. You can’t get an accurate way regarding where and how to punch. 
  • And, because no measure is there to judge performance, the performer can’t view his performance reports. 

Speed Bag

Speed Bag

Of all the types of boxing bags, the Speed bag is the smallest. Its shape is like a teardrop which is hung from  the roof, similar to the water bag. Your punch is bounced back every time you do which increases the level of your training. 

You are able to improve your hand eye coordination also. It’s perfect for those who are at immediate or advanced level but not for those who are at beginner level and need a primary source of equipment.

Disadvantage of Speed Bag

The lacking point is that it solely focuses on fastening your speed rather than working on your strength and power. You never learn proper boxing techniques. 

Double-End Bag

Double-End Bag

This type of boxing bag can be hung from the roof as well as attached to the ground. It comes in the shape of a basketball. It bounces back at you after every strike, thus you feel as if your true opponent is fighting with you. 

This option is more engaging than other bags but mostly appropriate for those at an advanced level. Beginners as well as those who want basic instruction shouldn’t go for this type of boxing bag. 

It moves in such a way that the user feels he is boxing in a real boxing setup. It builds a reaction time thus creating a strong hand-eye movement and speed.

It teaches a proper boxing technique which is hardly taught in any other previous option.

Disadvantages of Double-End Bag

  • It’s not meant for beginners as it’s quite complex to use. 
  • You can’t track your real performance reports.

What is FightCamp?


FightCamp also works like a Liteboxer Fitness Bundle. It is also a boxing platform that can be used at home with ease. Though its features are limited when compared to the sophisticated Liteboxer.

FightCamp also tracks the progress of the user via the tracker system. It comes in many different packages such as Personal, Tribe, and many more.

FightCamp Personal constitutes 

  • A freestanding heavy bag 
  • A ring, also known as a lower base which balances the vertical heavy bag during workouts 
  • Boxing gloves
  • Quick wraps
  • Punch Trackers which are little devices connected to FightCamp app. They analyse your performance and track your punch count. 

The FightCamp Tribe package is perfect to purchase when multiple members of a family are planning to use a single device. Apart from the personal package, it includes additional constituents as well such as 

  • an extra set of boxing gloves and quick wraps
  • if a kid has to engage in the practice as well, then a pair of kid-size boxing gloves will also be included

Liteboxer Vs Fight Camp

Liteboxer Vs Fight Camp


As compared to Liteboxer Fitness Bundle, Fight Camp is more affordable, still both are similarly expensive. Though the monthly subscription of Liteboxer is cheaper than that of FightCamp.

In a FightCamp personal package, you receive quick wraps, a standing punching bag, boxing gloves, and a bag ring to maintain it in the right place while you are using it. For this package, you pay $1219 which can be done either through payment in advance or monthly payments with Affirm according to the company. Thereafter, the remaining fee to access the app during workouts is $39 per month. 

Additionally, to buy heavy rubber mats, you have to purchase the FightCamp Tribe package which costs $1395.

On the other hand, Liteboxer’s initial package will cost you $1695. You  may find this price above Fightcamp’s one but there are options to finance it out through monthly payments with Affirm. Here, you get a boxing machine, with a pair of gloves, quick wraps, and a free month’s trial after which you are entitled to pay $29.99 per month to stay updated with new workouts and your progress reports. 


Before buying any of the two, you must consider the space you have at your home. Prior consideration of the right measurement will help you make the right decision regarding which gadget is appropriate for you.

FightCamp which has a minimum of two feet by two feet can fit in any space easily. Furthermore, those living in small homes don’t worry about the small space of their home as FightCamp can be tucked in any locker, cupboard, or corner of the room.

On the other hand, the Liteboxer Fitness Bundle is too heavy, which is a minimum of three feet by five feet. The device is fully assembled and thus you have to be very careful before buying it as its setup process is quite tedious and time consuming. 

Its advantage over Fighcamp is that Liteboxer consists of several advanced functions. It is embedded with several interesting workout programs and after giving performances, you can measure your real reports as well. 

Experience With Each Gadget

A decent-looking workout machine, when it shows faults while getting operated or becomes unable to carry your strong muscles, seems worthless. The major consequence is that you won’t be able to use the equipment frequently. To be honest with the two machines, after my proper usage and review, FightCamp is sturdier than Liteboxer.

Additionally, FightCamp has conventional experience in boxing. You can try to work out with it with boxing gloves. To experience some additional features at an advanced level, you can try doing workouts through the Liteboxer Fitness Bundle. The major difference between the two is the intensity of the punch. For those who have a habit of throwing hard and strong punches, FightCamp will be a suitable option.

On the contrary, if you want to enjoy your boxing and do some modifications on your own, then Liteboxer would be the best option. You can feel joy while doing activities through this system by taking advantage of the music system, interesting videos of trainers, and much more. Besides a boxing platform, Liteboxer is equally fun as well which won’t fade your interest. But you have to be cautious while throwing punches into Liteboxer. 

Application Experience

Apps of both gadgets operate well and are easy to use and navigate. If I look precisely, Liteboxer Fitness Bundle has had an advantage over FightCamp in the past. For so long, Liteboxer apps were being  used by both Android and iOS users. On the contrary, the FightCamp app was only accessible to iOS users.

However, FightCamp has recently come up with an app for Android users also. The app is live now. I have used it and saw no glitches in its working. Besides, there was no difference in terms of the quality between iOS and Android apps. Hence, my experience with both apps on different devices is the same.  


In today’s busy and complex life, people are looking for simple, effective and efficient weight loss or fitness solutions. They don’t want to go to the gym due to the shortage of time and still are in search of a one-stop fitness solution. And to tackle this, nothing will work out but only the Liteboxer Fitness Bundle.

Anybody will find this device too engaging at the first sight itself. The bundle consists of different guides related to weight loss, workouts and many more. The renowned instructors connected here motivate the users to perform better. Their optimistic attitude and unique guidance help users improve their punch. The beginners are benefitted the most because they receive details on the basic moves which creates a strong foundation for their advanced training ahead.

In short, Liteboxer Fitness Bundle is a new way to change people’s physical and mental health easily. People enjoy using it as they can listen to their favourite songs while practising which creates a perfect atmosphere for the practitioners to focus on boxing more accurately. They remain attached to the device as it has every advanced feature attached in one place. 

Today, the gadget has become a top-selling product as it satisfies the customer’s needs in the best possible way. Its primary goal is to cater to the needs of its buyers and that’s why people also shower their profound love through buying this amazing product. 
