Delayed periods can be a matter of huge concern for women in today’s time. Pregnancy can be one of the root causes, but there are many other reasons that you should be aware of. A normal menstrual cycle follows a process of 28 days. However, if it is delayed to 30–35 days, then it is marked as normal in some women.
But severe irregular periods conditions can range from hormonal imbalances to daunting medical conditions. With that in mind, we have listed a few prime reasons for missing periods other than pregnancy.
The medical term for delayed periods is amenorrhea. It is not counted as a disease but lies under some medical conditions or strong symptoms.
So, to clear your doubts, we have listed some reasons for the delayed periods that you should be aware of.
Stress in women has been observed as the most common reason for many diseases. And delay in periods is one of them. Stress can lead to disturbance in hormones and over time it leads to depression, weight loss or gain, which can impact your regular hormonal cycle for a longer time.
In this case, women who have been stressed out for some reason, consider practising mindfulness, meditation, and yoga to calm down their soul and keep hormones in balance.
PCOS, formerly known as polycystic ovary syndrome, has been found commonly in women nowadays. This condition results in the production of more of the male hormone’s androgen.
Moreover, if you have been diagnosed with PCOS, besides irregular or missing periods for 2–3 months you may likely experience a few more symptoms, like dense hair fall, weight gain, acne and in the worst cases infertility.
Obesity has also been found to be the prime reason for missing periods conditions. It regulates the formation of estrogen and progesterone which results in an irregular menstrual cycle in the worst cases it stops the periods altogether.
So, women facing obesity are advised to make a routine habit of working out consistently.
Planning out birth control can lead to the production of hormones estrogen and progestin, which restrict your ovaries from producing eggs, causing irregular flow of periods.
However, taking the birth control pills may result in the disturbance of your menstrual cycle that can last up to more than 3 months.
Chronic diseases such as diabetes, and low blood pressure are merely ignored by the women, but as a matter of fact, they are the reasons for the imbalanced menstrual cycle.
Sometimes celiac disease simply known as a digestive disorder may prevent the small intestine from absorbing the key nutrients in the body and may result in irregular periods and sometimes lack of flow.
Like an increase in sudden weight causes many problems, a sudden fall in weight may also lead to menstrual imbalance due to the deficiency of key nutrients.
You may experience rapid weight changes due to illness, medications, too much exercise or stress and anxiety.
In an era full of competition, you may experience a lot of schedule changes during your lifetime. For that reason, your body may take time to adapt to the environmental changes and for that time being you may experience irregularities in periods.
Hormonal imbalances are common to experience in different age brackets. Due to this, women may suffer late periods and extreme menstrual pain and cramps. Hence, you can consider doing home remedies or give a try to menstrual pain relief device to lower the pain naturally without any painkillers.
Due to the work or academic hectic schedule, you end up compromising your sleep. Improper sleep results in illness, and headache and if followed for a longer time, you may notice an uneven period cycle.
According to the research, it is mandatory to undergo 7–8 hours of peaceful sleep to lead a healthy lifestyle.
An access amount of fat consumption and eating junk food may pinpoint your hormones. That will lead to obesity and some indigestion and in some women, it leads to severe menstrual pain and uneven blood flow.
An increase in alcohol consumption and severe drug intake leaves a drastic effect on menstrual cycle and conceiving too. That is why, it is suggested by doctors, that females should avoid alcohol and smoking on a higher note.
In case, you are experiencing all these symptoms, consider consulting your gynecologist so that you can find solutions for your irregular periods.
If you experience an irregular period for more than 2–3 months, you must see a doctor soon. Your doctor can properly diagnose your case by examining the history and present conditions of your health.
Overall, you should visit a doctor in various scenarios:
Many factors can affect the irregularities of the periods and the main root cause can be detected by the doctors with expertise in this field.
So if you are facing anyone of this, without any delay, consult your doctor and start taking precautions before it gets too late.
Ans: The menstrual cycle should occur every 15 to 38 days. If delayed more than that, you should consult a doctor for further assistance.
Ans: If you are experiencing frequent delays in your menstrual cycle, then you should visit a doctor and take a detailed analysis according to your history and present conditions.
Ans: In a healthy state, a period should last from 8-10 days, after that if you undergo heavy bleeding, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.