5 Ways to Improve Access to Healthcare Services

  Mar 20, 2024
Reviewed by Ravinder Kaur

Access to healthcare is a complex issue with many different factors. However, effective strategies to improve access include providing patient-centered mechanisms and identifying the unique needs of your community.

For example, patients must be educated on which local facilities are best for various symptoms. This may mean educating them on when to use an urgent care clinic or when to utilize telehealth.

Educate Patients

Educating patients

It is true that so many people don’t have access to healthcare services because they are not able to afford them. Due to these barriers, patients are unable to access the medical care they require and deserve, it involves both the insurance costs and reaching out for an appointment. 

One way is providing health education to help out these patients. They are able to recover successfully and quickly when they are quite aware of the available options and familiar enough to follow the doctor’s advice.

Moreover, health education is more effective when it is tailored to the needs of individuals. For example, some are required to fast before a colonoscopy. However, others can continue learning at their typical pace, hence, it is important to provide suitable material like printed brochures, videos, etc. Furthermore, it is essential to educate them in their local language whenever possible. 

Be Flexible

Flexible health solutions

The significance of flexibility in meeting the healthcare requirements of the patients is also emphasized by Sam Lee Prospect Medical. Although, these services greatly depend upon the availability of sufficient numbers and the types of professionals who demand care. Talking about workplace flexibility here refers to the potential to recruit flexibly, deploy and pay the health staff for meeting the service demands. 

Moreover, some of the interventions for achieving this might require workforce flexibility, which may include the employee’s rate of flexible scheduling which is actually a top benefit at the workplace. On the other hand, the reality is something like there are so many low-income workers who may need help taking time off from work to attend medical appointments. In addition to this, scheduling more constraints quite often can lead to the professionals may try to operate outside their scope or experience of practice, and these things can pose harmful effects on the victim.   

Be Convenient 

Quick Conversations

Many individuals think that healthcare should be accessible for everyone irrespective of their financial status. But, it requires making so many difficult choices to provide this access to everyone. It may include the allocation of resources and providing convenient access to these systems. For example, patients should have easy and quick access to their respective physicians via mobile health technologies. 

That’s how these intelligent mobile applications make it feasible for sufferers to communicate with their physicians using secured messaging, scheduling appointments, and even connecting with their physicians 24* 7 through their telemedicine visits.  

Another factor for convenience is the ability to track the patients’ data for blood sugar & blood pressure remotely. With this, they can report by themselves and thus, eliminating the need of traveling to the location or taking any offs to follow up with the routine checks. This method of remote monitoring is becoming increasingly popular amongst both doctors and their patients. 

Be Patient-Centered

Patient-Centered Approach 

Patient-centered care is a model in which professionals listen to victims and respect their preferences, needs, and values. A solid partnership between suffers and health professionals or experts can make the system feel more comfortable while reducing miscommunication.

This type of healthcare involves consulting with victims regularly about their diagnoses, potential outcomes, and treatment plans. Keeping them in the loop helps build trust and confidence while improving patient satisfaction and treatment adherence.

This type of care also considers patients’ physical and emotional comfort. It includes addressing the underlying issues that can cause anxiety and offering support services like counseling and mental health. It can involve telehealth, retail clinics, urgent care centers, and other emerging treatment options.

Be Patient-Friendly

Many sufferers need help to receive the necessary health care. These barriers, from high insurance costs to a lack of transportation systems, may lead to undue suffering and poor outcomes.

One way to help remove these barriers is by providing a patient-friendly experience. This includes offering accessible online medical appointment scheduling tools, utilizing simple language in patient portals and mobile applications, and introducing touchless digital communication technologies.
