5 Top Tips for Adding Nicotinamide Mononucleotide To Your Diet 

  Mar 18, 2024
Reviewed by Shreya Pasricha

 Nicotinamide Mononucleotide for a Healthy Diet

Are you worried about premature aging? Or looking for a way to lower your chances of developing Alzheimer’s?

If the answer to those questions is yes, then it can be worth adding a little-known supplement known as nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) to everyday meals. 

What is nicotinamide mononucleotide? It is a precursor molecule, that has been linked to the creation of NAD+ in the body. 

What is niacin? It is a vitamin that is needed for optimum health and well-being and has been linked to issues with the skin (it becomes dry and scaly) and some mental health ailments, which can mimic the symptoms of schizophrenia. 

Collectively, these issues are known as pellagra and can have a detrimental impact on the standard of living if left untreated. 

With that in mind, read this article that informs about the best ways to add NMN to the diet with as little hassle as possible. 

Take Supplements

Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplements are readily available in most pharmacies and supermarkets, meaning that taking NMN is now easier than ever. 

Another thing to note is that this supplement can be in different dosages, so if you have been diagnosed with or are at a high risk of developing pellagra, then it is highly recommended to opt for a higher dose. 

Just make sure to talk to a doctor to ensure the correct dosage, which could make a huge difference in improving your health.

Eat Cucumbers

Cucumbers are not only great for reducing puffiness around the eyes, but they are also very high in NMN. 

OK, cucumbers are not exactly the tastiest of foods, but for keeping the NMN intake up, add cucumbers to sandwiches and salads or even consume slices of it as a tasty snack. 

If you have a food processor, there are many options for smoothies and other drinks that can be blended with cucumbers, to have balanced nutrients without noticing. 

NMN is derived from vitamin B3 (niacin), so some misleadingly call it a form of vitamin B3. It is a naturally occurring compound derived from B3, but that does not make it B3.

Deep Green Leafy Veg is A Must! 

Many people, in general, need to up their consumption of leafy, green veg, like cabbage, kale, and chard. 

Of course, for some people, these are not exactly their first choice of vegetables to consume, as they can be very high in sulfur, which can cause migraines and illnesses. 

So, try to notice which of these vegetables fit best with your lifestyle, as well as being an option that is flavorful. Then aim to have it once or twice a week to get a regular dose of NMN.

Up Your Beef and Shrimp 

If you eat a lot of chicken or are a fan of standard meats like ham, it can be worth upping the intake of beef or shrimp. 

Both of these are very high in nicotinamide mononucleotide and are a tasty way to consume it.

When eating beef, try to drain as much fat off of it as possible, or aim to eat leaner minces and beef.

When eating shrimp, try to make sure it is not heavily fried, as this can up the fat content and introduce potentially harmful oils to your diet

While there are multiple benefits of NMN, one of the reasons for its growing demand is its probability of anti-aging properties. The graph below indicates that its market size has seen constant growth from 2020 to 2029. 

Global NMN market size from 2020-2029.

Drink Milk

Unless you have lactose intolerance or other health-related issues with milk, an easy way to add NMN is to drink a glass of milk every day. 

Of course, full-fat milk is, well, fattening, so it is best to have milk without any flavorful additions as it is sufficient to fill all the nutrient-rich gaps. 

Consuming milk with cereal, tea, and coffee is another healthy and simple way to add nicotinamide mononucleotide to your meals. 


The sectors that are heavily investing in NMN supplements or recommending it in daily diet are varied. The healthcare industry, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing companies see potential in this vitamin as a significant product. 

It is a naturally found chemical in all living beings, however, it keeps decreasing with age. The easiest and safest way is to include various foods in your daily diet to counter its negative impact on improving overall health. 
