Being a working woman, you have to manage everything from home to the office. It gets a bit overwhelming, especially if you are in the menopausal phase.
Managing work stress along with your symptoms can be difficult because of constant hormonal fluctuations. In such a case, what can you do to maintain a strong mental composure at your workplace?
Some tried and tested methods for managing worry at work during menopause include breathing exercises, meditation while on a break, and time management at work.
Moreover, seeking support from your colleagues and a menopause-friendly diet will help you become mentally strong while at the office.
However, several employers fail to recognize that the levels of tension in aged women are due to menopause and not their age. Therefore, it is significant to understand how this age-specific phase can affect your stress levels.
We know that, during menopause, there are a lot of hormonal changes in women. The hormone levels drop lower than ever, and it’s difficult for the body to cope with it.
As a side effect, you’ll experience night sweats, hot flashes, fatigue, nausea, vaginal dryness, and headaches.
All these signs lead to restless sleep, which keeps you anxious throughout the day, even while you are in the office.
This is the reason managing your anxiety level is necessary in a menopausal phase, not just for a better personal life but also for a good work environment.
A great place to start is identifying what worries you the most so you can manage it efficiently.
With the help of digital tools in healthcare and medical facilities, menopausal symptoms can be tracked and monitored to take preventive care or medicines.
You should start by identifying what your office stressors are and share them with your colleagues, too.
I have seen women in this life phase not talking about their tension points because they feel embarrassed.
But there’s nothing to be embarrassed about because it’s a natural bodily process, and every woman goes through it.
Several American women have shared that during their menopause, they have come across at least one of these office aggravations:
Once you have identified which of these stressors affect you the most, you can come up with a great strategy to manage it.
In a survey, it was observed that on Twitter and Reddit which are the biggest platforms for analyzing trends, menopause was mentioned quite frequently. From March 2021 to February 2022, these posts on social media indicate that the symptoms should be considered serious for consultation.
These are the mentions of menopause on Twitter and Reddit from 1 March 2021 to 28 February 2022.
Managing stress when going through the menopause phase is difficult but not impossible. You just need to find the right technique that works for you.
Let’s start by discussing how you can keep your tension metric in check while facing several menopausal issues.
Whenever you are tensed more than you should, try to calm yourself down by doing deep breathing exercises or meditation. They not only calm you down but are also effective for the psychological symptoms of menopause.
Being mindful of what you are doing can give you better control over your workload.
Research has also proved that females who are more mindful experience fewer menopausal signs.
I always make a list of my daily tasks and allot specific time for each of these works. This helps in perfect time management. For women in this phase of life, it means a better sleep cycle and improved quality of sleep.
I have seen several females getting so caught up in their workload that they forget to take care of their issues. And that becomes one of the leading causes of worry.
The need for a menopause-friendly diet is necessary to maintain balanced physical and mental health. You should consume foods that reduce stress levels and provide you with all the necessary nutrients to deal with its signs. And don’t forget to exercise to prevent weight gain from loss of hormones.
How many hours of sleep do you get at night? Is it enough to recover the energy lost dealing with menopause? You need a good 7-8 hours of rest to sustain the energy to go through an entire day filled with work.
Relaxation techniques like menopausal yoga balance the endocrine system and reduce worry levels. Listening to relaxing music will help you keep calm and improve your mood.
Now comes the part that most women try to avoid which is consultation. Having a good support system during this stage of life is necessary for your mental well-being.
Communicate your needs and any medical conditions with your colleagues and supervisors. You spend most of your time around these people, and they will be able to assist you during difficult times. Keeping your health status from them is only going to negatively impact your interaction with them.
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are the most useful resource for your menopause.
These programs have trained counselors, healthcare providers, ample educational resources, and support groups for every aspect of your life. If your office lacks these resources, then talk to the authorities to accommodate appropriate facilities.
Think about the changes you can make to your workplace to accommodate your needs and avoid unnecessary tension. You can follow this guide to make the workplace menopause-friendly.
Here are some of the accommodations you can ask your employers to facilitate.
Menopause is difficult to manage in itself, and the tension caused by it can only add to your suffering. You must manage your work and personal life in a way that your symptoms won’t increase your stress in the office.
It’s not always manageable, but with a proper diet, regular sleep, time management, and meditation, you will be able to create a healthy balance. Don’t be hesitant to reach out to your colleagues for help whenever necessary. Ask your employers to create necessary menopause-friendly accommodations so you feel comfortable.
If your workplace doesn’t make the necessary accommodations, you can take the initiative and help create a positive and welcoming environment for women like you.