Can Pre-workout Help You Lose Weight?

  Jan 30, 2024
Reviewed by Vivek Upadhyay

Who doesn’t enjoy being in great physical shape? Well, everyone does.

But the reason behind that a few of those people are not maintained in a great way is because of laziness to keep fit in the hard way or might be due to their unawareness. 

Well, those who are stepping into the fitness freak world or already professionals, must know that having a pre-session lessens the physical and mental burdens associated with exercise, and you probably wonder if its benefits go beyond that—does pre-workout help you lose weight? 

The answer depends on how you use it. In this article, we’ll discuss how pre-workout can positively influence your weight loss journey, although it isn’t the one-shot remedy you’re looking for.

What is Pre-workout?


Pre-workout is a sports supplement designed to be taken before exercise, and it comprises a variety of components that work together to boost energy levels and enhance athletic performance. 

These are available in various forms, such as powder, gummies, or capsules, and vary in their precise mechanisms of action depending on their primary ingredients.

These ingredients include; 


Caffeine in Pre-workouts

We often get tired from all day work and chores and we need something to boost us in just a minute. 

Well, for this we have a stimulant called caffeine that can make you more alert and focused within a few minutes of consumption, with effects lasting as long as 12 hours. 

Its effects vary depending on multiple factors, such as age, body weight, and how sensitive your system is to caffeine.

Amino acids (L-Citrulline, Beta-Alanine, Betaine, Creatine)

These are other active ingredients that can be found in a pre-workout formula and have various individual functions. 

According to the study, Amino Acids contain some necessary nutrients that a body can’t prepare on its own, and when you take them before a workout, these supplements increase your body’s  Anabolic (muscle-building) Response to Exercise.

Some of their benefits are reduced fatigue, improved force production, and increased exercise capacity, to mention but a few.

Additional Ingredients (Taurine, Alpha-Gpc, Green tea Extracts, etc.)

Green tea Extracts in Pre-workouts

These possess special properties like anti-inflammatory and fatigue reduction, which boost your overall performance. However, these are not that much necessarily included in pre-workouts. 

Anti-inflammatory properties reduce the levels of free radicals that come with increased stress levels, leading to less oxidative damage.

Can Pre-workout Help You Lose Weight?

 Pre-workouts Help in Losing Weight

Generally speaking, pre-workouts only work in conjunction with actual exercise and a maintained calorie deficit to help you achieve your desired results. 

This means that a daily dozen alone cannot make you lose weight, but when used in the right way, they ease the process of shedding those extra pounds.

They assist you in accomplishing your fitness goals by boosting your performance during workouts, which is achieved when your energy levels are stimulated. 

With high energy levels, your body won’t have to break down your muscles to get proteins—the body’s source of energy—and this means that you get to burn more calories by maintaining lean body mass.

In addition to this, these delay the onset of fatigue, leading to sustained endurance, which allows you to scale through those intense workouts and leads to an overall improved result.

In short, supplements are not magic potions that will automatically shrink your waist size when you binge-eat high-calorie diets, but they are effective tools when combined with workouts and a sustained caloric deficit. 

That being said, here are some ways in which pre-workouts function to help you achieve your desired goals:

Greater Caloric Burn and Increased Fat  loss

Greater Caloric Burn and Increased Fat  loss

With boosted energy levels comes increased vigor, which you need in order to push beyond your limits and burn those extra calories. 

Certain components in pre-workouts known as thermogenic compounds (green tea extract, capsaicin, synephrine, etc.) are said to possess special abilities that increase the rate of fat meltdown by increasing the body temperature.

Because these supplements vary in composition, you must find one that contains the right balance of ingredients that will help you burn more fat, effectively making you lose weight.

U.S. Pre-workouts Supplements Market Size

Increased Energy and Alertness

The major ingredient in pre-workout is caffeine, which has known stimulatory effects resulting in boosted energy levels and increased levels of alertness for as long as 12 hours. 

In turn, this enhances your focus and motivation to do more intense workouts.

It should be noted, however, that the maximum amount of caffeine one should have in a day is around 400 mg, meaning that you should monitor your caffeine intake from external sources, especially if you are using a strong pre-workout.

Decreased Fatigue and Enhanced Endurance

Beta-alanine combines with histidine (an amino acid) to form a compound called carnosine, which is stored in the muscles and other tissues. 

Meanwhile, carnosine reduces fatigue by decreasing acid accumulation in the muscles when you exercise, hence enhancing athletic performance.

Delayed fatigue leads to increased training volume for high-intensity workouts, meaning you get to burn more calories within a given time frame.

Increased Metabolism


Ingredients like caffeine work with other thermogenic ingredients to boost metabolism. 

With increased metabolism, you burn calories at a faster rate, and if you happen to be controlling your calorie intake, you’re well on your way to hitting that target weight.

Do You know? Evidence shows that initially taking 20g of creatine for five days, followed by a maintenance dose of 3-5g per day will improve athletic performance

Reduced appetite

Interestingly, pre-workouts have certain ingredients that suppress appetite in some users; for example, herbal extracts like green tea contribute to a sense of fullness, whereas caffeine has been proven to release neuropeptides that reduce the feeling of hunger, even for a short time.

Does Pre-workout Have Side Effects?

Like every other good thing, pre-workouts can have unwanted effects. 

Caffeine can cause restlessness when taken in excess, among a host of other side effects, whereas beta-alanine causes paresthesia (a tingling sensation) in some people. 

There is an inexhaustible list of possible negative effects, but these can be avoided by carefully choosing pre-workouts and having sufficient knowledge about their active ingredients.


Besides, pre-workouts are not magical potions for weight loss, they consist of ingredients that help you burn fat more efficiently. 

They work synergistically with a caloric deficit and exercise and lead you to achieve your desired results. Here is a comprehensive Guide on Protein Powder, Read it now!

