Richa Madaan

Richa Madaan

Get Your Varicose Veins Treated Before It Worsen!

  Jan 17, 2024

 Varicose veins

Do you know there is a lot more about Varicose Veins than preventing you from wearing shorts or your favorite skirts? It can be very painful as it can cause skin ulcers, sores, and blood clots. Hence, if you have them, the risk of developing discomfort and pain remains constant. 

So, it’s time to take the first step and discover the Varicose Veins treatment in El Paso. You need not worry much, as the treatment options don’t always involve needles and you can do varicose veins treatment at home. But, you need to get the situation analyzed before it gets complicated. 

Causes and Symptoms of Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins symptoms 

Veins are an essential component of the circulatory system, as they carry deoxygenated blood from the tissues to the heart. There it gets exchanged with the oxygenated blood. 

As the veins work against gravity, if their valves are weak or damaged it would result in backflow of blood, which over the period can cause congestion within the vein due to increased pressure. This seems like a bulging or swelling from the surface of the skin, called Varicose Veins. 

It is very important to understand the significance of routine foot care. It is helpful to have proper blood circulation. However, there are lots of women in America who are suffering from this, but bear it in silence. Also, the number of affected individuals is indeed rising. 

In response to this, the varicose veins treatment devices market is also growing, putting efforts to diagnose more individuals facing these troubles. But, what causes them, and how can one identify whether they are having it or not?

Causes of Varicose Veins 

Damage and weakening of valves of veins lead to this condition. 

Symptoms of Varicose Veins 

There are certain ways to identify whether you have them or not. The symptoms are as follows:-

  • Heavy or tired feeling in the legs 
  • Cramping, pain, achy or itchiness 
  • Swelling in lower legs or ankles
  • Change of skin color or texture 
  • Ulcers, sores, or open wounds

In case, if you don’t entertain them at earlier stages it can further cause superficial phlebitis (ST), spontaneous bleeding, infections, blood clots, venous leg ulcers, etc. So, it is important to get them treated. 

How Do Varicose Veins Are Treated?

Varicose veins treatment 

Well, you can decide to cover those dances of delicate veins to prevent them from drawing unwanted attention, but that won’t resolve the ultimate issue. You can take action and try to go for the self-care methods, compression stocking, or choose for surgeries or other procedures available. 

Self-care Methods

You can choose to incorporate certain activities into your routine, such as:-

  • Exercise 
  • Raising legs while sitting or lying 
  • Wearing compression stockings

These methods are assisted to ease the pain. It helps to prevent making them worse. 

Compression Stockings

You should try to pick out the compression stockings. These stockings are designed in a manner to properly regulate the blood flow efficiently. You can pick from the brands and the type of stocking available in the market. In addition to this, you can quickly purchase them from the pharmacy or medical supply stores near you. 

Surgical Methods 

In case you are finding that the self-care methods and compression stockings are not working for you, it means you need to seek professional help. There are lots of options available with the help of advanced medical technology, providing you the comfort and convenience during your treatment. 

  1. Laser treatment:- In this, laser treatment sends strong bursts of light onto the vein, which makes them slowly fade away and disappear. No needles or cuts are involved in this procedure. 
  1. Sclerotherapy:- A solution or foam is injected into the affected veins that scars and closes them. In a few weeks, the veins treated with this fade. The same vein may require to be treated with this more than once. 
  1. High ligation and vein stripping:- In this procedure, the vein is tied before it joins a deep vein. Then, the vein is removed using small cuts. However, the removal of veins won’t keep blood flowing in the leg, as the other veins in the leg take care of the larger volumes of blood. 
  1. Ambulatory phlebectomy:- In this method, smaller affected veins are removed through a series of tiny skin punctures. The parts of the legs involved in the procedure are numbed. Usually, the procedures lead to minimal scarring. 
  1. Catheter-based procedures using radiofrequency or laser energy:- This process is suitable for the treatment of larger veins. A catheter tube is inserted into the enlarged vein and heated using laser energy or radiofrequency. As the tube is removed, the heat destroys the vein, making it collapse and seal shut. 

Before starting with any treatment procedures, a proper examination is conducted like a Venous Doppler ultrasound of the leg. It is a non-invasive test that deploys sound waves to evaluate the blood flow through the valves of your leg. It also helps to detect the blood clots in the leg to figure out the right treatment. 

Concluding Words

Varicose veins treatment 

Varicose veins can be potentially dangerous to your body if left untreated. It is because healthy veins matter a lot. 

They play a vital role in delivering deoxygenated blood back to your heart and getting it exchanged with the oxygenated blood. 

If these veins get affected as in varicose veins, the cycle is hampered. Therefore, in case you are also facing them, you need to find the right solution for you!
